MAAG® GEAR Bevel Sets

Reliable bevel gears deliver smooth performance for your equipment. Based on high-quality materials and manufacturing, our MAAG® GEAR Bevel Sets deliver superior performance as part of the drive system for your horizontal or vertical mill, in a roller press or within the power transmission for your excavator, conveyor or crusher. MAAG® GEAR Bevel Sets bring reliable, long-lasting function to your plant.

Bevel gears with high-function in your gear units – and more

We produce well-made, durable bevel gears for our own MAAG® GEAR line of products, as replacement parts, or as power transmission components in mining equipment like gyratory or cone crushers.

Whether used in gear units for vertical mills, as part of roller press drives or within the transmission gear for bucket wheel excavators or belt conveyors, bevel gears are an important part of gearboxes – and we deliver the highest quality in these crucial components.

MAAG® GEAR Bevel Sets

With over 130 years of experience with heavy-duty equipment fabrication, we have the rigorous quality standards, exceptional manufacturing processes and engineering insight to produce the highest quality bevel gears – giving you confidence in the components you employ in your plants.

Modern production – and diverse toothing options

Our state-of the-art manufacturing facility in Poland has the most advanced machines for manufacturing gear bevel gears in-house. Using our unique technology to produce high-quality bevel gears, we ensure consistent quality, reduce costs and increase the convenience factor.

We manufacture gears and bevel gears for a range of applications in the cement and minerals industry – ensuring that you get the highest quality products that are customised to your specifications. Depending on your needs, we can manufacture bevel gears with different tooth geometries for heavy-duty applications.

Straight and helical toothing are the simplest designs for bevel gears. Limited to small power and lower circumferential speed, bevel gears with straight or helical toothing are often used in crushers. Heavy-duty bevel gears for applications with high-torque and greater peripheral speed are built with curved tooth geometry. Palloid and cyclo-palloid gearing provides optimal roll-over behaviour – reducing noise and guaranteeing smooth operation. Bevel gear sets with palloid and cyclo-palloid gearing are well-suited for applications in vertical roller mill drives.

MAAG® GEAR bevel gear sets are hard finished as necessary using a skiving process. The digital drive technology enables top-notch precisions and repeatability.

Custom-made – without long lead time

Our well-trained technicians use 3D modelling to map your exact requirements into a standard precision tool, minimising both tool costs and lead times while delivering maximum precision.

Designed for longevity and high performance

The high standards of our manufacturing processes and the high-quality raw materials we use generate long-lasting, reliable bevel gears.

High technological production expertise

Our bevel gear cutting machines are the only ones of their kind in Europe, allowing us to produce top-notch components. We also invest in training for our people, giving them the know-how needed to operate efficiently and exactly.

Crucial components for gear units – our bevel gear are fit-for-purpose

Bevel gear sets are a special form of gear design where the input and output axes have a common intersection. The angle between both axes is usually rectangular. Bevel gears often serve as speed reducers in heavy-duty applications, meaning that the input shaft acts as the bevel pinion, while the bevel wheel forms the output shaft.

Design and manufacturing criteria

We use advanced engineering tools to design our bevel gears according to DIN standards. We carefully choose application and safety factors to optimise wear resistance and improve longevity.

Our bevel gears are made from high-grade steel and shaped on our state-of-the art Klingelnberg hobbing machine. We also produce bevel gear sets using our highly accurate multi-axis milling machines – allowing us to cut any type of gearing. The process includes rough cutting, case-hardening and, finally, finishing by hard cutting using the HPG method. Non-destructive tests and quality checks, including contact testing on appropriate test stands, complete the manufacturing process.

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Simple spare part management

Once the original bevel gear set has been manufactured, we are able to reproduce bevel pinions or wheels to the exact same dimensions as the original supply. This allows you to order single spare components of a bevel set without sending the original part back to us – no more delays with matching tests or transport.

Our bevel cutting machines enable us to produce bevel wheels up to 2.5m in diameter and modules ranging from 10 to 30.


Plug & Play MAAG® Bevel Gear

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Condition Monitoring Systems

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